Friday, February 27, 2009

Anchor Stitch Kit

I was awestruck when my husband showed my MIL's (mother-in-law) embroidery work. It was great. She made that when she visited him in summer of 2005. Before I forget I want to mention that my MIL is a great artist. She made great paintings and amazing crafts back in India.

The embroidery she made was a Basket maker(shown in the fig below). This is a finished product of Anchor Stitch Kit. This kit contains a design outlined(here it is Basket maker) plastic canvas, threads, , needle to stitch, and a pic of completed work.

This time she got me another stitch kit (Harvesting). I found it very easy to make. You just need to stitch using long stitches on the outline of the design. The only thing which I want to share here is, I worked with one color thread at a time. I'll be completing this work pretty soon. Here are few pics of my work in progress.

Here I am..!

Its been 15 years I left working on my arts and crafts. Now finally I got some time to work again on those. In this blog I will try to pen down everything I do. This is only a start....